Reasons to be careful

Home Owner's Stories

Steel Failure

Steel Failure

"I was told that all stone coated roofs were the same and the only difference was price, but within 6 months a lot of the stones had fallen off my roof. After 2 years, the colour was unrecognisable. When I tried to complain to the supplier, they were no longer in business."
Chip Loss and Colour Change

Chip Loss and Colour Change

"I was told my product had a 50 year warranty, but when rust appeared after 4 years I went back to the people that sold it to me and they said they no longer used that manufacturer and they could not help me. The next year I had to replace my whole roof."
Rust and an Untrustworthy Supplier

Rust and an Untrustworthy Supplier

"When my roof was installed, everything was fine and I was delighted. It was only during the rains when we experienced constant leaks. I called back the installer because I though it was an installation issue, but he showed me multiple cracks in the steel tiles. This was a manufacturing fault. I had to change the entire roof!"
Cheated by our Installer

Cheated by our Installer

"When we built our house, we made sure that we chose the best roof & received a quote directly from the supplier. We gave this to the installer & paid him the money to buy the materials & to install the roof. In less than a year the colour of the roof started to change. When I went back to the supplier to complain they told me that they had not supplied this material. It turns out that the installer had taken our money & had gone to another supplier to buy a cheaper product."