Warning Signs

Things to pay attention to when buying your roof

What is supplier

Who is the supplier?

Are they a known company? A new roof can cost several thousand dollars, so why would you risk your money if you don’t know who the company is that’s standing behind the product?

Are they credible internationally? Research the manufacturer of the brands available to you. Ask which country they are from and which countries they sell to?

How credible is the organisation? Look beyond the fancy web site and try to find out more about the manufacturing company.

Can they keep their promise? If a warranty or guarantee is offered with the product, have you seen this, or have you just been told about it? Ask for more details. If you don’t know who is standing behind the promise, how would you solve any future problems?

Products from the World

Where is the product made?

There is a regulation in most markets to show the country of manufacture on the actual product, together with the manufacturers name. Unfortunately regulations are not always enforced, so sometimes false names and false countries of origin appear on the products. Be sure not only to check what is printed on the tiles, but also ask to be shown some evidence of source, maybe certificates of origin, or other shipping documentation which show the original country of origin.

You can also check the credentials of the company by internet research, or by contacting the supposed manufacturer directly. If your supplier refuses to share these details, it would be a good time to walk away..

50 Years Warranty

How robust is the warranty?

A product warranty is commonly offered by both major & minor suppliers. But while major suppliers generally offer limited comprehensive warranties, an unknown brand may offer a 50 year warranty without specific terms. You should question how exactly their warranty process works. ie: If there is a problem, how can you be sure you’ll get your money back, or who will pay for the installation if the roof needs replacing?

If the company has only been making products for a few years, ask how they can offer a 50 year warranty when the product has not been around for anything close to this time? Products that have a proven track record can be better trusted so look out for established manufacturers.

How robust is the warranty?
Fake Products

How to spot a fake?

Credible manufacturers will always have their name & a production code on the back of their tiles. You should be able to contact the manufacturer to request a verification of the product that is being offered to you. Some international manufacturers now offer an app which you can download to your smart phone and check whether or not a product is genuine, there and then.

If a brand is well known, there are unscrupulous suppliers that will copy the brand name on their product. It is therefore worth checking. Perhaps send an email to the manufacturer and ask them if the person selling to you is an authorised distributor.